Sport- & Genusshotel Silvretta
Ischgl - Paznauntal
Sport- & Genusshotel Silvretta
Ischgl - Paznauntal
Sport- & Genusshotel Silvretta
Ischgl - Paznauntal
Sport- & Genusshotel Silvretta
Ischgl - Paznauntal
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Sport- & Genusshotel Silvretta
Ischgl - Paznauntal


© Achensee Tourismus
Achensee Tourismus



The north shore of Lake Achensee

At the turn of the century it was a popular attraction for known authors like Ludwig Steub and Peter Rosegger, who liked to spend their summers here. Plenty hiking possibilities like for example on the 2075 meters high mountain Unnütz can be found in the surroundings. You can Mountain Bike, Inline Skate, Yacht, Surf, etc…. And since Achenkirch has constructed an artificial promontory it is possible to swim in the normally icy sea with pleasing temperatures. Those who are interested in the history and customs of the region can get to know more about it in the heritage museum in the Sixenhof, which was first heard of in 1362. 19 rooms with artisanal and agricultural equipment, a blacksmith, a cobbler's workshop and an ancient weaving.

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